Selling January 27, 2020

Use Your Move to Make a Change

Moving Is A Big Deal!

So much to do! Real estate paperwork, escrow, your loan officer, repairs, packing, cleaning, moving…. And so much change! But this is also a great time to look for some “out of box” opportunities to make some changes you may not have thought about.

Here Are Some Suggestion:

1. Have you been storing your grown children’s things? Use your move as a catalyst for clearing them out. Invite your kids over to pack up what they want and purge things they no longer want or need.

2. Let it go! Let go of the furniture that you won’t have room for or need in your new home. Let go of clothes that are not your current size or you haven’t worn in the last year or two. Let go of Christmas decorations you haven’t put up in the last year or two.

3. Let go of duplicate kitchenware that you may have accumulated. How many cookie sheets and cheese graters do you really need? Let go of outdated audio and video equipment, especially if you no longer use it.

4. Park your cars in the garage: If you’ve been using all or part of your garage for storage and parking in the driveway or on the street, consider setting a goal to use the garage in your new home to store your cars.

5. Organize your new house, and keep it organized: Moving gives you the chance to make a fresh start. Take the opportunity to organize all of the closets, cabinets, shelves, and racks.

6. Be intentional about organization as you unpack the things you’ve chosen to keep. Then keep things organized once you emptied out all of the boxes. And if you still have boxes you can’t unpack, as you have nowhere to put the things inside the boxes in your new place, consider letting them go.

Leslie Eskildsen, “Use your move to make a big change”, Real Estate, January 16, 2020, p4,  Orange County Register